
Single Sign-On (SSO)

SSO delivers smarter, not more complicated security.

Reduce risks and headaches.

  • Give users access to everything they need in one place
  • Increase productivity by reducing the need to keep logging in
  • Reduce IT burden with self-service password and account unlock tools
  • Eliminate risky behavior with secure and centralized credential storage

Firewall Management and Security Operations

As networks become more complex and policy rulesets continue to multiply, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage compliance, implement rule changes, prevent outages, and address vulnerabilities before they’re exploited.

Without an integrated way to manage firewall and hybrid cloud network policies across multi-vendor, highly-distributed environments, organizations struggle with time-consuming and error-prone manual compliance reporting, extended response times to business owners, and lack a clear view of risk across their entire environment.

A comprehensive firewall and hybrid cloud network security policy management platform that helps organizations quickly adapt to change, manage risk, and achieve continuous compliance. By standardizing and consolidating firewall, cloud security group, and other network policy device rulesets into a single management console, it gives network teams visibility and control over even the most complex hybrid networks with ease.

Security Compliance Audit

A compliance audit determines if a system is configured in accordance with an established policy. A vulnerability scan determines if the system is open to known vulnerabilities. Readers will learn the types of configuration parameters and sensitive data that can be audited, how to perform these audits, manage and automate this process.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is an ongoing process that includes proactive asset discovery, continuous monitoring, mitigation, remediation and defense tactics to protect your organization’s modern IT attack surface from Cyber Exposure.

Phishing Assessment

Over 90% of successful cyber attacks occur through email-based attacks, it is undeniable that phishing attacks are inevitable in nowadays. You can create rules to block an automated attack, but you cannot eliminate human error. Humans are always the weakest link when it comes to phishing attacks. A solid defense strategy would include an end to end protection with awareness education and real-time training to enhance your end users’ awareness of their role in thwarting phishing emails.

Assessment campaigns using canned phishing templates may provide the organization with a false sense of security as they do not emulate real-life scenario attacks. Our solution utilizes the mega dataset from our SOC. With millions of global and local threat intelligence, we pick the best real scenario, adding localization and customization to your organization. To launch the most real-life campaign, go up the confidence level of your employees in real-time.

Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Privileged access is the gateway to an organization’s most valuable assets. Nearly all advanced cyber-attacks exploit privileged accounts. Leading analysts and security professionals agree: Privileged Access Management (PAM) is a critical initiative.

However, many organizations still don’t have a plan in place to secure privileged accounts, credentials and secrets. This disparity is often due to organizations believing that they do not have, or do not think they have, the resources to effectively and efficiently manage a PAM solution.

PAM provides organizations with the ability to discover, onboard and manage privileged accounts and credentials in on-premises, cloud and hybrid environments all from an easy to deploy and manage cloud computing solution.

API Management Platform

An API management platform (APIM) makes it simple to collect, manage, distribute, secure, and control all the APIs you use to connect applications and data across your enterprise. This gives your developers the visibility they need to create or use APIs efficiently in a multicloud or hybrid environment for maximum consumption.

An API management solution lets you easily create a unified catalog of all APIs that have been developed internally or by third-party partners. By making your APIs available all in one place, developers can easily find and reuse approved APIs. In addition, a platform for API management helps ensure that APIs are developed in compliance with your overall governance and security policies.

By using an APIM to make APIs easier to manage, you can deliver new services and applications faster and with a more consistent level of quality, helping you decrease your time to deployment, drive revenue, and increase customer satisfaction.

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)

Security orchestration, automation and response, or SOAR, technologies enable organizations to efficiently observe, understand, decide upon and act on security incidents from a single interface.

SOAR is poised to revolutionize security operations, specifically the way security teams manage, analyze and respond to alerts and threats. Without some type of security automation, security analysts end up dealing with a rising number of cyberattacks manually coming from increasingly sophisticated bad actors.

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) is a category of security solutions that use innovative analytics technology, including machine learning and deep learning, to discover abnormal and risky behavior by users, machines and other entities on the corporate network often in conjunction with a SIEM.

UEBA can detect security incidents that traditional tools do not see, because they do not conform to predefined correlation rules or attack patterns, or because they span multiple organizational systems and data sources.