Phishing Assessment

Phishing Assessment

Over 90% of successful cyber attacks occur through email-based attacks, it is undeniable that phishing attacks are inevitable in nowadays. You can create rules to block an automated attack, but you cannot eliminate human error. Humans are always the weakest link when it comes to phishing attacks. A solid defense strategy would include an end to end protection with awareness education and real-time training to enhance your end users’ awareness of their role in thwarting phishing emails.

Assessment campaigns using canned phishing templates may provide the organization with a false sense of security as they do not emulate real-life scenario attacks. Our solution utilizes the mega dataset from our SOC. With millions of global and local threat intelligence, we pick the best real scenario, adding localization and customization to your organization. To launch the most real-life campaign, go up the confidence level of your employees in real-time.


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