
Brand Protection

Brand Protection software guards against suspicious listings and brand abuse networks that infringe on your intellectual property, sell counterfeit products and commit other online scams against your brand . This software continuously monitors and detects infringements including fake domains , third party sites, unauthorized apps and search engine results,thus helping in overcoming brand impersonation, minimizing monetary and reputational damage.

Dark Web Monitoring

Dark web monitoring is a process of searching for and monitoring information found on the dark web. It finds stolen or leaked information, such as compromised passwords, credentials, intellectual property, and other sensitive data being shared and sold among criminals operating on the dark web.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) refers to the processes, technology and managed services deployed to discover internet-facing enterprise assets and systems and associated exposures which include misconfigured public cloud services and servers, exposed enterprise data such as credentials and third-party partner software code vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries. EASM provides valuable risk prioritization and context and actionable information through regular or continuously monitoring and discovery for external-facing assets and systems. External attack surface management is a top priority for security teams and security risk managers.

Security Service Edge (SSE)

Security Service Edge (SSE) as a solution that secures access to the web, cloud services and private applications regardless of the location of the user or the device they are using or where that application is hosted. SSE protects users from malicious and inappropriate content on the web and provides enhanced security and visibility for the SaaS and private applications accessed by end users.

Browser Security

A browser security solution is a platform that helps prevent phishing and malware attacks on any browser and any device across an organization. It typically uses Zero Trust isolation technology to protect users from web and email threats, without impacting performance or workflow. These solutions often provide Secure Web Gateway, Secure Access Service Edge, and Threat visibility and intelligence capabilities. They can integrate with third-party solutions and are designed to prevent Highly Evasive Adaptive Threats (HEAT), which are threats designed to evade detection by traditional security tools.

Digital Risk Protection (DRP)

Digital risk protection solution protects critical digital assets and data from external threats. It provides visibility into the open (surface) web, social media, dark web and deep web sources to identify potential threats to critical assets and provide contextual information on threat actors, their tools, tactics and processes for conducting malicious activity. Common use cases that DRP supports include brand protection, data leakage detection, etc.

DRP solution provides full life cycle management of digital risk:

  • Mapping — Understand and identify the digital risks of organization operation, assets and individuals
  • Monitoring — Monitor systems and assets to identify network security incidents and abnormal activities
  • Mitigating — Implement response procedures to mitigate the impact of the incident with internal and external support
  • Managing — Coordinate recovery activities with internal and external parties


Advanced attacks can compromise endpoints in seconds. Legacy endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools simply can’t keep pace. Learn how shifting your EDR strategy to enable:

  • Proactive risk mitigation
  • Efficient, real-time incident response
  • Forensic investigation help
  • Optimized security operations
  • Business continuity

Extended detection and response (XDR) is a natural extension of the endpoint detection and response (EDR) concept, in which behaviors that occur after threat prevention controls act are further inspected for potentially malicious, suspicious, or risky activity that warrant mitigation. The difference is simply the location (endpoint or beyond) where the behaviors occur.

XDR solutions are increasingly popular as organizations recognize the inefficiencies, and in many cases ineffectiveness, of security infrastructures comprised of many individual “best-of-breed” security products deployed from different vendors over time. Common challenges arising from this point-product approach include:

Gaps in security: with each product operating in its own silo, opportunities often arise for cyberattacks to enter in between

Too much security information: with each product generating individual alerts and other information, security teams can easily miss indicators of cyberattacks

Uncoordinated response: with each product operating independently, it falls on the human operator to share information and coordinate response actions

Based on these experiences, many organizations are looking to consolidate security vendors and products in favor of integrated solution sets.

Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)

Web isolation solution isolates browsing activity away from end user’s devices and onto remote, cloud servers that they operate. This server is completely separate from the user’s endpoint and business networks, meaning they are fully protected from any threats the user may come across in a browsing session.

Getting users to click on a malicious link embedded in an email is a tried-and-true tactic used by cybercriminals to gain access to critical business systems. Yet, traditional security solutions fail to identify, much less block, email-based attacks.

Rather than determining which links in an email are legitimate and which are not, organizations should just assume that all web content is risky and hosts potentially malicious content. The resulting zero-trust approach eliminates the need to make an allow-or-block determination based on coarse categorization. Instead, Email Isolation Solution renders all web content—including email links and attachments—in read-only mode, preventing any malicious content from ever reaching users’ devices, where it can do real damage.

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication serves a vital function within any organization -securing access to corporate networks, protecting the identities of users, and ensuring that a user is who he claims to be.

Evolving business needs around cloud applications and mobile devices, combined with rising threats, and the need to reduce costs, require entirely new considerations for access control.

Authentication is one piece of the Access Management pie. Identity and Access Management solutions provide a framework for granting and requesting access to applications, enforcing access controls and ensuring visibility into access events. That’s where SafeNet Trusted Access comes in.