
Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)

Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) protects your application from vulnerabilities so that your teams can focus on business logic, without leaving your application exposed to potential exploitation. With fading controls and ephemeral workloads, cloud native applications need more than just perimeter security. RASP provides security from within and goes wherever your application goes.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A web application firewall, or WAF, is a security tool for monitoring, filtering and blocking incoming and outgoing data packets from a web application or website. WAFs can be host-based, network-based or cloud-based and are typically deployed through reverse proxies and placed in front of an application or website (or multiple apps and sites).

WAFs can run as network appliances, server plugins or cloud services, inspecting each packet and analyzing application layer (Layer 7) logic according to rules to filter out suspicious or dangerous traffic.

WAFs are important for a growing number of organizations that offer products or services online—this includes mobile app developers, social media providers, and digital bankers. A WAF can help you protect sensitive data, such as customer records and payment card data, and prevent leakage.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Software composition analysis (SCA) is an automated process that identifies the open source software in a codebase. This analysis is performed to evaluate security, license compliance, and code quality.

Companies need to be aware of open source license limitations and obligations. Tracking these obligations manually became too arduous of a task—and it often overlooked code and its accompanying vulnerabilities. An automated solution, SCA, was developed, and from this initial use case, it expanded to analyze code security and quality.

In a modern DevOps or DevSecOps environment, SCA has galvanized the “shift left” paradigm. Earlier and continuous SCA testing has enabled developers and security teams to drive productivity without compromising security and quality.

Application Security Testing (SAST/DAST/IAST/MAST)

Interactive application security testing solutions help organizations identify and manage security risks associated with vulnerabilities discovered in running web applications using dynamic testing (often referred to as runtime testing) techniques. IAST works through software instrumentation, or the use of instruments to monitor an application as it runs and gather information about what it does and how it performs. IAST solutions instrument applications by deploying agents and sensors in running applications and continuously analyzing all application interactions initiated by manual tests, automated tests, or a combination of both to identify vulnerabilities in real time. In addition, some solutions integrate software composition analysis (SCA) tools to address known vulnerabilities in open source components and frameworks.

Managed File Transfer (MFT)

Managed File Transfer is a secure, reliable technology for sharing critical business data. MFT software is designed to meet the compliance and performance requirements necessary to send and receive high-value, high-volume files such as money transfers, sensitive data containing personal information, or proprietary business files. Because you can manage all your critical data transfers across the enterprise from a single pane of glass, MFT gives you complete visibility and control into where data goes. MFT is more reliable, secure, and easier to manage than protocols like FTP or HTTP, making it the preferred solution for data transfer.

Secure file transfers are at the core of every business.With a Managed File Transfer solution, you can meet the growing demand for secure management that can protect data exchange while ensuring you meet compliance requirements. The benefits of MFT include:

  • Improved security and governance with centralized control of the entire MFT ecosystem via a single administration console, ensuring service level agreements and PCI DSS compliance requirements are met
  • Self-service capabilities that empower business users to create file transfer services, subscribe partners, and manage file transfers
  • Centralized administration to reduce complexity and standardize all administration tasks for the entire MFT ecosystem.
  • Operational intelligence and predictive analytics to prevent errors and ensure business quality
  • Integration capabilities that ensure IT and business user capabilities are easily integrated programmatically into third-party or custom applications
  • Ability to handle all file transfer use cases regardless of initiator, recipient, protocol, format, or schema
  • Flexible deployment models including on-premises, private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud
  • Unlimited scalability that allows your organization to meet its current and future data transfer needs